Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Conscience Regulation

We are waiting to see what the Obama administration will do regarding the right of conscience. It would be good to review what is at stake. If the regulations are removed, then abortion would be mandated in medical schools. It would also restrict the right of a healthcare worker from abstaining from being involved in procedures that they are ethically and morally opposed to. Other ethically controversial practices, most likely would include, euthanasia.

The Right of Conscience Rule, allows pro-life physicians, nurses and pharmacists to refuse to participate in abortions, in the course of performing their day to day jobs. Without the Right of Conscience Rules, the 1973 Church Amendment, the 2004 Hyde/Weldon Amendment, would no longer be in effect.

The Church Amendment declares that the receipt of federal funds in various healthcare programs, does not force participation in abortion or sterilization procedures. The 2004 Hyde/Weldon Amendment provides that no federal, state or local government agency or program, that receives federal health and human services funds, may discriminate against a healthcare provider, because that provider refuses to provide coverage of or referral for abortion.

I think I know what the Obama administration will do, and time will tell if I'm right or wrong.

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