Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mark Kirk US Congressman From Illinois

"Local law Enforcement and Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009", (HR 1913) is expected for a vote, in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009. This bill is cosponsored by Representative Mark Kirk (R Illinois), and would add 30 sexual orientations (as defined by the American Psychiatric Association, to the list of classes federally - protected from the so-called "hate crimes". 

Criticizing incest, for example, would be a federal crime with the passage of HR 1913. Incest, "good God", would be added as a federally protected sexual orientation. 

To quote the Illinois Review, Representative Kirk owes not only the parents of children, but the children of Illinois an apology for sponsoring such a radical and extreme piece of legislation. 

I wonder who Mark Kirk is protecting? Certainly not children. Incest has been a crime against nature, not to mention children, since the beginning of time.    

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