Friday, February 13, 2009

Death by Dehydration

Eluana Englara has joined Terri Schaivo, Marsha Gray, Christine Busalacchi, Nancy Ellen Jobes and countless others, some known only to God, as the latest victim of death by dehydration. Eluana from Italy, has been described as the Terri Schaivo of Italy. Her case brought to the forefront the battle for life in Italy. She had been in a persistently vegetative state, following a auto accident at age 21. Her father requested the court to remove her feeding tube and allow her "to die" translate kill her.

The battle regarding nutrition and hydration for non-dying, yet profoundly handicapped humans, has been waged for many years in the court system. Some would say that the removal of food and water is tantamount to the killing of a human. This writer thinks that's correct. No one lives without food and water. Food and water are ordinary necessary and available under all circumstances. The debate has been whether food and water are extra-ordinary, if provided by feeding tube, or even spoon feeding. This on the surface is ridiculous. If such were true, then a baby bottle would be extra-ordinary, and so would a straw to drink your pop. 

The euthanasia movement however marches on. Their primary goal is total autonomy. The question I pose, dear reader, is a moral one. If society condones the removal of food and water, for the express purpose of killing a handicapped, non-dying human, then would it not be more humane to lethally inject them?   

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