Friday, August 5, 2011

Mother Nature Never Forgives or Forgets. Don't Fool With Her. Part I

The government cares so much about women, that they are now covering birth control pills and abortifacients, with no co-pays!  For those who do not know what an abortifacient is, here is the explanation. An abortifacient is any contraceptive or morning after drug, which does not prevent conception, but instead renders the womb inhabitable for the newly conceived human.  The common misconception about birth control pills, is that they prevent ovulation. They don't.

The latest studies show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that hormonal pills of any kind can lead to injuries and death.  There's an old adage about forgiveness: If confessed, you're priest will absolve you, your parents will forgive you, your friends will get over it, but mother nature never forgives or forgets. Hence the modern day mantra, "don't fool with Mother Nature".   It is no mere coincidence, that it is called "Mother" nature, as opposed to Father Nature. Women are the bearers of life. Our bodies are a hormonal wonder designed by nature to create and nurture life. We are hormonal from the get go. So, when we fool with Mother Nature ... ie ... our hormonal balance with all birth control pills which manipulate our hormones, our bodies react with negative consequences. The old adage, "you can't fool with Mother Nature" has come home to roost with a vengeance.

Let's have a look at some of the consequences of "fooling with Mother Nature". Close to 50% of all newly acquired HIV-1 infections across the globe, now occur in women of reproductive age. Why? Heavily funded population control programs have promoted, and even imposed, powerful steroid based contraceptive drugs on tens of millions of Third World women. What was touted as family planning methods, has given the HIV virus greater access to women's bodies, by altering women's local and systemic immunities. Statistics gathered over the past 20 years, reveal a parallel between an increase in contraceptive drug use, and an increase in HIV-1 infections in women.

There is a strong link between all contraceptives and breast cancer - hormones once again! Birth control pills are made from synthetic estrogen and or progesterone. These hormones cause women's breast cells to divide rapidly. Cells that divide more rapidly are more prone to develop into cancer. One only has to wonder, why the rapid increase in breast cancer which our society has been experiencing. Younger and younger women are being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Here comes another hooker from Mother Nature. Cervical Cancer has been linked to birth control use. Of course, we have a massive dangerous vaccine campaign to try and eliminate cervical cancer. Kind of like the dog chasing it's tail. RU486 has left a trail of maimed and dead women. However that drug will come to you free of charge - compliments of Obama Care. Do you think this administration really has women's best interests at heart? Who will cover the medical costs from the dangerous effects of these drugs, which fool with Mother Nature? Who will heal broken hearts, broken families and broken women? 

Want more? How about Plan B? Forty times the hormonal strength of the average birth control pill! The government is opposed to the soft drink called "Jolt", because of the high doses of caffeine, being dangerous. I guess the dangers of caffeine trumps the dangers of hormones to women. Who cares if  women are "jolted" with 40 x's the hormones in the Plan B pill? I wonder what Plan A was?

I think Mother Nature abhors the Obama Administration. And if and when women get smart, they will too.

1 comment:

nfpli said...

Plan A was Abortion and Still is.. You forgot to mention the rise in sub and infertility these are also due to the rise in contraception use. Even Male issues due to Female hormones in the water supply. Good Blog keep it up