Did you ever have one of those experiences as a child, which seemed to be a sort of life lesson as well as a portent of things to come? A a young girl, I attended a typical Catholic school in a typical Chicago neighborhood, taught by pre-Vatican II nuns, who taught pre-Vatican II Catholicism. Now down the road from this school was a typical Chicago neighborhood store, which we children would frequent during our recess time ... that is, for those of us whose parents gave us a few pennies to spend. For back then in the mid 1950's, you could get a Cornucopia of treats for mere pennies.
Oh woe is me ... my parents never gave me any money ... pennies or otherwise .. sniff. Ok, so everyday, I would accompany my little school chums to the corner store, and watch as they purchased for mere pennies, all sorts of sweet delights. I remember black licorice flavored wax mustaches and cherry flavored red wax lips, and little wax coke bottles, with some sort of sugary liquid, which the children lapped up in delight. But the one treat which really made my mouth water, as I watched the kids slurp and imbibe it's sweet delight, were these little ice treats the store owner sold in warm weather. They must have been made of frozen Cool Aid or something of the like, and were contained in small paper ketchup cups, which sold for the bargain basement price of 2 cents. At the sound of the bell, on a hot day, the kids would swarm out of the school and run down the road to the corner store for one of these cool tasty delights. To a little girl like myself, who did not even have the 2 pennies needed for one of these treats, they may as well have been ambrosia of the gods.
When one wonderful day, my mother, in a rare mood of generosity, suddenly gave me 2 cents! Oh happy day! I could scarcely contain my anticipation during my classes, as my eyes watched the classroom clock creep slowly toward the noon hour, when the bell would announce the long awaited moment. I had carefully kept my treasure of 2 pennies in a small coin purse, and when the long dreamed of moment finally arrived, I proudly handed over my booty in exchange for the enticing treat I had so long desired. Walking along the sidewalk back to the school-yard, I had just begun to lick the tasty orange flavor of my precious little ice pop, when a school mate next to me dropped hers on the hot dirty pavement. She laughed as though it were the funniest thing in the world, and in an instant, before I could realize what was happening .... she knocked mine out of my hand as well ... bellowing with laughter. She cared little, as she knew that the next day, her mother would give her another 2 cents. But there were no words to describe my poor disappointed and broken little heart. I dared not let her see the tears that were struggling to escape my disappointed eyes, as they gazed at my squashed prize lying on the sidewalk. I never told my mother what had happened, nor did she ever again gave me 2 cents. I never got to have that ice treat, which at 7 years old, had seemed such a prize. And I learned something about human nature on that day. "If I can't have mine, you can't have yours either."
As I grew older, other situations would occur in my life, that would mimic this same scenario over and over. Misery likes company, was an old saying, I would hear my parents and grandparents say. And the day of my ice pop tragedy, certainly taught me that life lesson. So, what does this have to do with NARAL, and what are they trying to take from others, which they themselves have lost?
NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, has revealed a strategy to network with lawmakers to target Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC's) specifically in urban areas. They have produced a video, which was released on YouTube as of May 10th, in which they slam PRC's as using "emotional bullying" on vulnerable women. The video reveals that the "National Institute for Reproductive Health" (NIRH) has instituted an initiative known as the "Urban Initiative for Reproductive Health", in order to unite city lawmaker across the country against crisis pregnancy centers, disseminating gag rules similar to ones already passed in New York, Austin, and Maryland.
This begs the question ... why would anyone, who claims to want to help women, want to destroy centers designed to help women? Why was the catch phrase, "safe, legal and rare", coined by Obama in the first place? Does NARAL and NIRH and Planned Parenthood for that matter, really want to make abortions rare? Are they truly interested in helping women? Or are they merely interested in helping women have more abortions? Why would anyone desire to see women suffer an abortion, when there are agencies ready, willing and able to help women with other alternatives? And why make war against those agencies, which are truly seeking to make abortion rare? Or is that really what they want?
The abortion industry never ceases to remind me of the girl who lost her ice treat and knocked mine down, so that I could not enjoy what she had lost. From a very early age, I learned that those who have lost something, want to make sure you lose it too ... whatever that may be. So many people in the abortion industry have lost their way, their morals, their humanity, and yes, many of them have had abortions themselves. So, is this really about trying to help save the other girl's ice treat ... or is it about dragging others down to their level, because misery likes company? Do they truly want to make abortion safe, legal and RARE ... or just legal ... legalized murder?
No one ever restored my little ice treat to me on that day. But that is nothing compared to a woman who has had an abortion. She has lost something that can never be restored in this life. You would think, that if those who are pro-choice truly cared about women, they would welcome agencies that help save women from the tragedy of abortion. But they are not interested in making abortion rare ... and it is certainly not safe! So what are they truly pushing? What are they truly offering women? Or what are they trying to take? They have lost their way and their souls, and now they want others to lose what they have lost. It's a hard lesson I learned as a little girl on the day someone took from me what they had lost. And there are some things which people take from us which are small, like an ice treat, and then ... there are others that can never be measured ... like the life of a mother's child which has been taken by abortion.
Is abortion the only alternative for women ... and abortion providers the only ones who should be able to offer women a "Choice"? After all, in order for their to be a Choice ... there must be Options! NARAL, NIRH and Planned Parenthood don't really want women to have Options .. so how can they call themselves pro-choice? And why are they opposed to agencies like PRC's which truly do offer women another choice? Why are they so intent on cornering the market?
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