Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hansel & Gretel's Sci-Fi Gingerbread House

Hansel & Gretel, wandered through the woods one day, where they came upon a wondrous house, made all of marzipan and gingerbread and all manner of sweet delights. The sugary cottage was in fact a sinister deception crafted by an evil witch, where once inside, only death awaited the two innocent children.
Senomyx has been crafting food and flavor deceptions, through genetically engineered taste bud receptor cell triggers. Our brains will taste what is not really there; but rather artificially induced illusions, deceptions, and mere memories of taste sensations. This is intended of course, to accommodate our attention to our figures and health, without being denied the palatable pleasures which sugar, salt and MSG provide.
Moreover, just as with Hansel and Gretel's gingerbread house, the enticing flavors contain death; genetically engineered food additives containing embryonic kidney cells from aborted human fetuses. Senomyx actually reveals, in a review of their patents, that they began their new technology with the cloning of human embryonic kidney cells. For those who are more scientifically acute, google 'Senomyx and patents' and the third link ( will provide more info than you may need or want to know. See: United States Patent #5,993778.
This is no futuristic vision. The future is here .. and the next time you read "artificial flavor" on a food label, I'd think twice. For Senomyx is presently collaborating with many of the world's largest food manufacturers such as: Campbell's, Nestles, Coca Cola, Pepsi and Kraft Foods, to develop new foods & beverages, which deceive your taste buds by artificially stimulating them with biotech products developed by Senomyx. In fact, if you are a consumer of any of Nestle's foods, you are already having your taste buds artificially stimulated with these biotech flavor enhancers.
The famous fairy tale scenario of Hansel and Gretel is alive and well, in this new Sci-fi food deception. Today's gingerbread house of sweets and treats is truly a house of death, with the abortion industry in the forefront of this Brave New World. And while we avoid the negative side-effects of food flavorings such as salt and sugar, what will be the long term side-effects of ingesting our own human DNA? This DNA is being provided by innocent victims of abortion, to produce flavor alternatives, so that we can have a trimmer waistline.

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