Let's get to the heart of this argument right here and now, for once and for all. The never ending debate over whether or not life begins at conception, whether it's a child or a fetus has been raging on for years between pro-life and pro-choice proponents. The pro-choice proponents have carefully crafted a subterfuge of words, to hide the reality of abortion. Words like fetus are used in place of words like baby, child, human being etc., when referring to the unborn. Recently Abby Johnson, the famous Planned Parenthood leader turned pro-life advocate, revealed in her book, her own blind acceptance of the pro-choice argument, due to the clever omitting of key words that might reveal the humanity of the child in the womb.
So, are all pro-choice proponents as blind and naive as Abby? Is this because they really and truly believe in their heart of hearts, that the unborn child is not a child, but simply a cluster of cells? And do they truly feel that science proves this theory beyond a shadow of a doubt?
Well recently in British Columbia, a Green party candidate in Canada's upcoming federal election, did not mince words when he blatantly stated, "I'm glad I got rid of my unborn child!" Child? Did he say child ... the no no word in the lexicon of pro-choice zealots? Yes, Roger Benham, a Green party British Columbia political candidate, used the word child, in a most shameless yet revealing statement on the pro-choice stance. Benham went on to say, "Really, we do silly things when we're young ... and I'm sorry, but a lot us men are bloody selfish when it comes to having sex." He then went on to make references to pregnant women looking like, "the back of a bus."
Here we finally see the true nature of the avid abortion proponent. With no excuses or attempts to guard his words, he fully and shamelessly reveals the true heart of abortion. Forget all the rhetoric about choice; this is about selfishness pure and simple! They know it is a child! They know it is a life .. and they know when life begins ... this has never really been at issue here.
What has been at issue here from day one, is the fact that the true abortion advocate cares very little whether or not they are destroying an innocent life, because the only life that matters to them is their own; and any other life that gets in the way of theirs is expendable. It's that simple.
Put away all your well thought out arguements, and scientifically documented evidence of when life begins, of when it is viable, or whether or not it is even human. They really don't care. This is what has been the brood nest, where the queen has been laying her abortion eggs from the very beginning. The myriads of Abby Johnsons, whom they have duped with their rhetoric, have never really seen into their true abortion hearts. A cult leader is the only one who really knows what he is about; while his unfortunate followers are merely blindly led along by their glorious leader, who knows exactly what he is doing, even if they don't.
Well, the vampire has revealed his fangs, and they are covered with blood! "He's GLAD he got rid of his CHILD." There are no clever semantics here. There is no erudite verbal engineering about choice and womens' rights. Here is the naked heart of abortion, exposed for all who dare to see.
Choice? What is the choice over? For the devout abortion advocate, the choice is all about your life verses mine; and I was here first, so I get to choose and you loose. This is the survival instinct of the mindless primitive. We have reverted to the savagery of a species who eats it's own young. (refer to the previous blog on sci-fi food deceptions.)
So all the intellectualizing and trying to scientifically prove that it is a child and not a choice, is simply beside the point to these mindless primitives. They don't care that it is a child .. they never did! It's the child's life or theirs ... and in the scale of things by their primitive view, the child's life is forfeit in favor of their own. It's that simple.
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