Sometime in the next few days, the Illinois General Assembly will pass, and the governor will sign, a bundle of tax hikes that includes a 75% increase in the personal income tax rate, a 100% increase in the corporate tax rate, an increase in cigarette taxes, and virtually no authentic limits on state spending.
If you are pro-choice, and unhappy about this situation, please understand that this is the fault of the pro-abortion forces in (and around) the Democratic Party.
Terry Cosgrove of the pro-abortion Personal PAC very credibly claims a lion's share of the credit for the re-election of Gov. Quinn, who has championed these tax increases. Too, Cosgrove's assistance (or at least his methods) was extensively used by Speaker Madigan to fight to elect Democrats like Carol Sente, Karen May, and Daniel Biss.
In all of these races, and many more, voters were warned that voting for a Republican meant that their daughters would be cruelly forced to bear rapists' children, that Republicans would take away a woman's right to kill her baby for any reason or no reason, and that parents might -- heaven forfend! -- actually be entitled to be consulted before their minor children sought abortions.
You opposed all that. And now you have to pay the bill. And so do I. And so do we all. The bill for abortion will come in the form of far higher taxes, still more state spending, and reliably fewer jobs due to the savings that businesses will realize from moving out of Illinois into nearby states with more reasonable restrictions on abortion, but far lower burdens on small businesses.
So, just how many partial birth abortions are you planning to have to make this worthwhile?
(Crossposted to Thoughts of a Regular Guy)
Time to Admit It: Trump Is a Great President. He’s Still Trying To Be a
Good One.
The most consequential presidents divided the nation—before “reuniting it
on a new level of understanding.”
57 minutes ago
1 comment:
Well said. It's too bad this blog could not be posted on the front page of all newspapers, and printed in The New York Times. This spells out the real problem of all our fiscal woes in this state, and even around the country. How do we expect to support Murder Incorporated, (Planned Parenthood) and keep our taxes down at the same time?
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