Webster's Dictionary defines choice as, "the right, power, or chance to choose, or options." God created us and endowed us with Free Will. Deuteronomy 30:19 "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life then, that you and your descendants may live." So God warns us that our free will is to be used to choose life not death .. good not evil .. blessings not a curse.
So it is not so much about choice, as it is about the object of our choice. All people have the right to choose. But even our societal laws are enacted in order to limit and protect us from bad choices. So our choices are limited, whether we like it or not. Society does not capriciously limit our choices, without carefully considering the right or wrongness of those choices, and if they deprive someone else of their rights of liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness.
So, in 1973 a cataclysmic choice was enshrined by the Supreme Court, which capriciously deprived the unborn of their right to life. This choice has completely changed the meaning of the word choice, for all society. This use of the word choice has devastated people's ability to discern between right and wrong. Simply believing that one has a choice to do something, is half baked and moronic. How about considering if the choice is a good or a bad one, or if it will hurt someone else, or take away their choice?
"All social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering." said Father William Smith long ago. So true in 2011, as we look back at 38 years of legal abortion, where the word choice was linguistically, gymnastically crafted to legalize murder on demand.
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