Thursday, April 15, 2010

Great News From Nebraska

On Tuesday, April 14th, the Nebraska Legislature passed the "Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act". The new law prohibits abortions in Nebraska after the unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks. The legislation is the first of its' kind. No state has ever passed a similar pain law.
The law will save lives. It will protect, the 20 week and older unborn child in the womb, from the pain of abortion. It will also protect the mother from the grief that often accompanies the decision to abort.
The bill provides, what may be the first direct challenge to Roe v Wade, which in 1973 established a "right" to unrestricted abortion until fetal viability at about 22 weeks. The law is expected to be reviewed by the Supreme Court. If so, it could redefine a state's legitimate interest, in protecting unborn children.
The enactment of this bill will probably make the late-term abortion business of Dr. LeRoy Carhart change. Carhart's "claim to fame" is performing abortions through 24 weeks in Nebraska. In an interview with Newsweek, Carhart said, "He won't, for example, do elective abortions past 24 weeks, because the fetus is likely viable." But, according to the New York Times, Dr. Carhart, has also begun performing some abortions "past 24 weeks," he said in an interview; and is prepared to perform them still later, if they meet legal requirements and he considers them medically necessary. Dr. Carhart declined to provide specifics, on how late in a pregnancy, he would be willing to perform abortion. His fee schedule lists prices for abortions up to 22 weeks and 6 days (at that point, $2,100 dollars in cash, or $2,163 on a credit card), but notes that abortions after 23 weeks are available "after consultation with our doctor", and that abortions after the 27th week, may take 4 days.
It seems there are 3 big winners with this bill; the unborn babies, their mothers and the possibility of a late-term abortionist looking for work elsewhere.  

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