Friday, August 14, 2009

Thirty Pieces of Silver

Wow! Catholic Charities and the Catholic Health Association support Obama Care. Right after the health care endorsement by Catholic Charities, they received $100 million dollars in it's first ever government contract! Wow! Judas lost out, only receiving 30 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus. The price of traitors has gone up due to inflation.
All official statements from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Catholic Bishops say, that health care is a basic human right .. ie to the tune of $100 million for Catholic Charities add to the Trillions of dollars that the rest of us taxpayers have to pay. The Bishops, since 1981, have argued that the federal government is responsible for establishing, "a comprehensive health care system, that will ensure a basic level of health care for all Americans" ...
Wow! Health Care, a right? Health Care a responsibility of the government?  I thought the argument was, is health care a right or a privilege? I pay for health care, and everyone else's too. I think it's a privilege. I guess that's were some serious reflection is in order. First reflection ... social problems should be dealt with at local levels. If they are not solved at local levels, they can be addressed at higher levels. That's the federal government. Second reflection ... if Catholics give health care to the government, we will be giving the moral responsibility of medical treatment, for the government to decide who gets care.  Third reflection ... Should all Catholics become Socialists in order to solve health care?  Fourth reflection ... All five bills under consideration, in health care, pose a conscience and religious liberty danger to every Catholic, as well as every God-fearing person.
What is the government's role? I thought it was to protect it's citizens and provide social order and justice. This means, the Rule of Law, becomes paramount.   

1 comment:

lauermar said...

As a graduate of Medical Services, I totally agree with your statement. You are well-informed. As a member of the 9/12 Patriots, I must add that the Constitution and its ammendments, and the Declaration of Independence state the right to free speech, press, and the right to bear arms. It says nothing about healthcare being a right. Moreover, the right to pursue happiness (even if it is via health care) does not guarantee that it is completely free of charge. The Catholic social teaching allows for consideration of the poor, and the right to obtain work, clothing, food, etc. But there is nothing in the Catholic teachings that state that these things must be free of charge and granted as unlimited. In fact, the document states that the able-bodied must work. Not to work is to engage in sloth.