Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aborted Babies Challenges Botox For Beauty

Wow! It must be true.  "Vanity, thy name is woman." I think the following will explain more than the quote.
Clinics in various locations are now offering treatments, including face lifts and other cosmetic surgery, from babies, who have been killed by abortion. These clinics may be coming to your town. These clinics are like science fiction ... the Methuselah Syndrome ... Methuselah being the oldest living human in the bible, women can now extend their lives and their beauty. 
You can take a trip to Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Moscow and Rotterdam to obtain these beauty treatments. What are these treatments? The clinics are using tissue from babies, killed by abortion, ages 6 to 12 weeks gestation and obtaining their stem cells to inject into the client's face. Why? The baby's cells are supposed to begin a rejuvenation process, that makes your skin look years younger.
You think that's bad? This is worse. To obtain the cells, women in under developed nations, are paid up to $200 dollars to carry a baby an optimum 8 to 12 week period. Then the babies are killed. Their stem cells taken and sold to exclusive cosmetic clinics.
Wow! Isn't that how Frankenstein was formed? Didn't they take parts of other people? It really is a brave new world. Fast tracked, no long term studies, but a lot of money. In Russia alone, there are 50 clinics. I'll bet, there's more than beauty involved in the use of stem cells by killing babies. At least Botox only killed a snake.  

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