A recent Cardinal Newman Society's pole reveals some shocking details, or are they?
46% of current and recent students said they had engaged in sex outside of marriage.
84% said they had friends who engaged in premarital sex.
60% agreed strongly or somewhat that abortion should be legal. One out of 5 students know someone who has had an abortion, or who helped pay for one.
60% agreed strongly or somewhat, that premarital sex is not a sin.
78% disagreed strongly or somewhat, that using a condom to prevent pregnancy was a serious sin.
57% agreed strongly or somewhat, that same-sex "marriage" should be legal.
What are your thoughts on this pole, and what do you think are the reasons for these statistics?
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53 minutes ago
1 comment:
Is holiness and Christ's teaching uncool? Is Jesus old fashioned and out of touch with reality and today's world? It certainly seems that way with the large numbers of students who do not accept the church's teaching on abortion, contraception, and premarital sex. What are we teaching our youth today and do we not feel a moral obligation to help them before it is too late? When more than half believe that premarital sex is okay, that abortion is not wrong, that if you have premarital sex to just use contraception to cover themselves from unwanted complications such as an unplanned pregnancy? I mean God forbid people actually be held accountable for their actions and deal with any consequences those actions bring. I suppose that means we should just let murderers and rapists go free without serving some form of punishment or correction for their behavior too, seems crazy, doesn't it? And what about being taught about self-esteem and the importance of knowing one's worth? Do these students not realize that eventually after having how many different sexual partners, it is not self-gratifying, not to mention the STD's that are growing in number. I believe anyone with a heart, conscience, and soul is going to inevitably have to come to terms with the fact that they gave themselves away freely and cheaply when they should have fought to guard their purity more vehemently. Say NO and stand up against a sexually twisted and morally depraved world. It begins with our leaders and the examples our youth have. Children have to be taught that they are worth more and deserve to have someone wait for them and vice versa. What ever happened to teaching about self-respect and love? Why do girls not respect themselves and instead give themselves away to someone without getting anything for it in return? Get to the young women and young men and educate them to be strong, that they can be strong against peer pressures, tell them to respect themselves, and guard their purity like it is their life itself. No girl who guards her purity is going to cry from a broken heart after the boy dumps her once he has gotten what he wanted from her. But the young girl or man who guards their purity and lives chastely will have their self-worth, dignity, and virtue instead of a broken heart and low self-esteem. So what that everyone else is doing it, that does not mean that you should be too.
Today's world is full of selfishness and immediate self-gratification instead of being patient and waiting. Our future generations well being is hanging in the balance and are starving for the truth and missing valuable, crucial life lessons that absolutely must be taught. Children are not being educated by their parents, their church, or their teachers the simple truths of right from wrong. Do our children today even value their virginity at all? Do their parents even bring up the topic of conversation and form their children to believe in being pure.
Today children are being brought up by the computer full of impure smut and indecency out there on the world wide web. How many parents are supervising what their children are watching or seeing on the internet?
I am 33 years old and only about two months ago did I receive a prayer card to Our Lady of Purity calling all parishioners to action to change the world and save it from the pornography and sexual degradation that has spun out of control. Where has the Catholic Church been all these years to prevent the sexual perversions in our world? And why is it just being brought out in to the light now?
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