Thursday, May 26, 2016



Due to fear of disability, doctor tries to get woman to abort

By Sarah Terzo
AnnSaltenbergerbookcover4Author Ann Saltenberger describes an experience she had while pregnant. She became sick and spent some time in the hospital, where doctors ran a battery of tests including x-rays. She was pregnant and a doctor told her she should abort her baby. The doctor told her the following when he was driving her home:
“An hour later the green, sundrenched farmlands of South Jersey were slipping past the car windows. I settled back into the plush seat and relaxed. But Dr. L was tense and I soon found out why. “I know you’re the wrong person to say this to,” he began (I had already begun to garner a considerable reputation for my research into the effects of artificial pregnancy termination), “but you really should have an abortion.”
His words had continued, unheard. I tuned in as he was saying something about my probably having a viral infection, and German Measles is a viral infection, “and we all know what German Measles does.”
“Yes, but it only does it to 25% of preborns. You’re not going to tell me that part, are you?,” I thought, but I said nothing.
He droned on. The x-rays. X-rays do horrible things: twist developing bodies, destroy forming minds. No doubt about it, he was sure this baby would be retarded or deformed. Not worth worrying over. Not worth saving. Rx: abort it and forget it.”
Her baby was born perfectly healthy:
“Now, eight years later, it’s spring again. The sun is shining and the breezes are warm. And Jimmy is seven and healthy and strong, full of fun and questions and tricks. Appearance: beautiful; neurological evaluation: normal; intelligence: superior.”
Ann Saltenberger, Every Woman Has a Right to Know the Dangers of Legal Abortion (Glassboro, New Jersey: Air – Plus Enterprises, 1983) 14, 17.

Source: NRLC News

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