Laurie Burk’s life changed at 19 when she had an abortion. But that
abortion was also a turning point for the life of her daughter. And
today she is a grandmother of a child that almost wasn’t born.
Burk was 19 when she found out she was pregnant. As she cried,
realizing how alone she was as a college student without family nearby,
her doctor placed a piece of paper in her hand; it held the number of an
Iowa City, IA abortion clinic. And soon after, she was a patient in
that clinic, having an abortion.
“I went by myself and denied any pain medication during
the process as I felt I needed to feel what I was about to do. I asked
them to stop at least 3-4 times (not because of the pain but because I
knew I was making a mistake and wanted my baby) and finally was told
there was no stopping from that moment on.”
But the pain would last beyond that day. It was the day, Laurie says, when she “lost a piece of [her] soul.”
“I went home and stayed in the fetal position in my bed
for three days, not being able to move, weak and bleeding. I recovered
from ‘the procedure’ physically, but a part of me also died that day
that I will never get back.”
Eventually, in her late twenties, Laurie had three children. But her
abortion never left her. “I hid this terrible secret of mine for years
and never even told my husband until we were married for years,” she
said. And then she told her children. Knowing they might become sexually
active, she felt they needed to know her story so they would not end up
in the place she had been. She said, “They have always been grateful to
me for sharing with them such a deep and devastating part of my past.”
And then it went from gratitude to saving a life. In 2012, Burk’s
daughter, who was 18, came to her; she was pregnant. She told Burk she
was going to abort her baby—and then she left the house without further
discussion. But Burk wasn’t done.
“I rallied my family, we all talked to her and told her
how we felt about her pregnancy and how we would feel if she had an
abortion. We mostly prayed.”
Still Burk’s daughter insisted she was going to abort and left again.
“I didn’t hear from her again for a week and I didn’t
know what she had done if anything at all. One night out of the blue,
she called in the middle of the night and asked if I had been praying
for her and her baby. I answered yes. . . we all were. She said she
had woke up sweating profusely and heard a voice within her heart that
she couldn’t explain saying ‘you are not to kill my child.’ She said,
‘mom, I can’t kill my baby, I’m going to have it.’”
“God had directly intervened to bring this beautiful baby boy into our lives and I am positive He has a plan for him. “
Baby Carson.
Carson Pierre Anthony Millett turned two on Thursday, and is bringing joy to the whole family.
But Burk also knows that even this life can’t replace the one she lost:
“I still regret what I did when I killed my child and
there is a part of my heart and soul that died with that baby. I know
God has forgiven me, but I have a much harder time forgiving myself. I
hold on to the fact that God will hopefully someday place that baby in
my arms and allow me to meet him or her. ”
Besides helping her daughter, she has tried to help other young women
avoid the grave mistake she made. She has tried to be sure other young
women who have had abortions know there is life afterwards. But she also
says she never downplays the emotional toll abortion will have on them
“most likely have on them the rest of their lives.”
Little Carson is a light, a reminder of hope and redemption. And Burk
is grateful for God’s forgiveness and the work of pro-lifers who try to
educate and help abortion-minded women. She doesn’t want anyone to lose
a baby—or a piece of her soul—because of abortion. Laurie Burk with her grandson
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