Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"What More in the Name of Love" - Part II "Born This Way"

Lady GaGa’s  popular song; “Born This Way”, has galvanized the gay community with her contention that people cannot help the way they are born.  She goes on to say that her song is about Love and Equality.   How can anybody be against love and equality?  How can anybody be against Love?

Well, one of my own personal favorites is a song by the Rock Band U2 – “What More in the Name of Love?”   One particular lyric stands out:  “One man betrayed with a kiss”.  We should know who this refers to and who gave the betraying kiss.  The point is that not everything which is called Love is Love - and how much more are we going to be forced to accept in the name of Love?

The First commandment states:  “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart and your whole soul”.  The second says to “love your neighbor as yourself”.  It is the 2nd commandment for a reason, because we should never place any created person or thing before the Creator -  but esteem all created things only in their relation to God.  

Never since the 60’s, when the term, "Free Love" was coined and subsequently championed by the likes of those like Hugh Hefner, has there been a word more misused and misunderstood as the word Love. As a young girl I was cautioned by my parents, not to judge too quickly, my feelings of ardor for some boy. “It’s only ‘puppy love’ they would tell me.  I considered this very carefully when I had my first experience of a boyfriend in high school.  It was, as first loves can be, quite intense, and had I not been given that sobering advice by my betters, I might have been duly tricked by my own feelings, as were several young girls in our neighborhood who ended up ‘in trouble’ due to believing they were ‘in love’.  

The word Love does not have a single meaning.  There are different types of Love.  Agape: the selfless love of one person for another, as revealed by Jesus, “There is no greater love than a man lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13.   Fraternal love:  the brotherly love which one can feel for a blood relative – or a friend.  Christians are commanded to exhibit fraternal love toward one another in the 2nd commandment – “love your neighbor as yourself”.   Eros:  from Greek mythology, Eros was the son of Aphrodite and the Greek god of love. Eros reflects the love of sexual desire and passion.  Then there is Charity:  to be able to love as God loves.   

So which category does Lady GaGa’s view of love fit?  For that matter – in what category does most human love fit?  Hopefully, a young mother loves her newborn infant – with a fraternal love as well as an agape love.  Hopefully each of us can think of a good friend or perhaps a sibling, for whom we feel deep fraternal love.  And if we are Christians, we should certainly exhibit charity toward our fellow man – to love them as God loves them.  But let’s be honest, there is one love that seems to be the most difficult to pinpoint – Eros.  Many loves, driven by desire, are mistaken to be something they are not. 

Of course, due to our fallen nature, all these loves have been diminished by our egoism and tendency to love ourselves to every other affection.  And no one particular love has been more affected by this egoism than Eros.  Especially in today’s self-indulgent culture, this one love has been more deeply wounded by self-seeking than any other.  We see Eros being used for every form of self-gratification one can possibly imagine.  Like Sodom & Gomorrah in the Bible, Jude 1:7  “they gave themselves up to every sexual immorality and perversion.”   Because of the effects of our first parent’s rebellion against God, we are “born with”, as GaGa sings,  a diminished capacity to reign in our carnal appetites - no less is this revealed than in our sexual desires.  Soon after Adam & Eve rebelled, though God had created Eve for Adam, we begin to see in the Bible, men taking multiple wives and concubines in order to satiate their lusts.  And it was  Lust – not Love - which ultimately led to Sodom and Gomorrah’s perversions.

With each of these categories of Love comes a proper form of ‘expression’.    Eros – sexual passion - was specifically reserved by God as an expression of love between a man and a woman, with the express purpose that new life would result from this sacred union.   We don’t express our affection for a friend or sibling through sexual means (if we do something is wrong).  We do not express charity for our neighbor through sexual means.  Certainly the love of a parent does not suggest making sexual advances toward the child!  Again, when this happens, we know something is wrong – terribly wrong!  Any adult taking advantage of a child for sexual gratification cannot claim that this is an act of love – though some of these types try to make such a claim.  

Same-sex attraction has become today’s major cause for Equal Rights.  What excuse can a society make for denying these people the right to express what they feel for someone of their same gender?  How does today’s society approach this issue with sensitivity toward the person who may have been “born this way”, while at the same time, keeping God’s original design for love and marriage as the foundation of our society?   

God first loved us.  He has loved us from all eternity.  Long before we existed, He saw us in His mind’s eye, and loved and willed us into existence, in preference to innumerable other souls He might have created.  Wow!  We then, must choose to love Him in return – to love Him above every other love – especially if that love is illicit in some way – or if the expression of that love  goes against God’s original design.    

Again, our feelings and emotions are very fickle and totally capable of deceiving us.   As I had to learn when I was a young girl, the difference between puppy love and real love – all of us must learn what real love is.  Love that is not subservient to the love of God is disordered – such as our disordered love of ourselves – or any other love which is not subservient to God and his designs.    

Our society is struggling to answer and resolve the dilemma of those with same-sex attraction, but because we have become a morally bankrupt society,  how do the blind lead the blind?   

                                  What more in the name of love?

How much more is going to be forced on us in the name of love?  “Love” cannot be used as an excuse and license for everything.  Our human love can only be licit and good when we turn it toward the sovereign good, who is God, preferring Him to every other good and every other love.   And if we do not begin to turn back to God as a society, we will never be able to come up with the answers to solve the problems of those like Lady GaGa, who were “born that way”.     

To be continued …  


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