Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Life is Beautiful

Picture of Baby With Trisomy 13 Surviving 116 Days Goes Viral

by Steven Ertelt 

Corbin Alfred McHenry was diagnosed in utero with Trisomy 13, a rare genetic disorder. While already battling the harsh label of “incompatible with life” this little miracle blessed the Earth seven weeks early.
His family has created a Facebook page for prayers for him and it has already grown in just a few months to well over 267,000 people. praying for Corbin.
Yesterday, Corbin reached his 116th day and a picture of him went viral — getting 41,966 likes and more than 580 shares. his family wrote in a Twitter post:
Corbin today you turned 116 days old, that number continues to grow! You went outside and toured the hospital again and remained awake the entire time, happy as can be. You smiled as the wind blew your self and with your eyes wide open you had the ability to truly appreciate the beauty of the outside world.
You weigh in now at 8 pounds 4 ounces, gaining gaining gaining. ::) Soon enough we will be home!

Tomorrow mommy will change your trach for the first time and check off some more training. Daddy will do the same this weekend when he’s not working. I think tonight is a cuddle all night kinda night. I love you so much. Happy 116th day of life Corbs.
Corbin’s family posted this yesterday, at 115 days:
Today marks 115 days of life for you sweet boy. Today you weigh in at 8 pounds 1 ounce and 19 3/4 inches long. You’ve come a long way since the day of your birth.

Today you took a bath in a tub for the first time ever! You loved every second of it with a smile so pure. You are so innocent and unaware of everything you have been through and to me that is the beauty of your strength. To know you can still smile over the simple things in life is beautiful.

Today you also went outside for the first time in your wonderful life. You felt the wind blow your hair, the sun hit your face, and heard the noises of the “outside world”. You slept through most of it but for the few periods you were I saw a selfless boy, appreciating the world as he knows it and everything beautiful in that world. You know no hate, no negativity, nothing cruel and now you feel no pain.

You only know love, kindness, warmth, and now the feeling of the sun and breeze hitting your face. The only feelings a child should ever know. I thank God every day for the miracle and child he has blessed me with me. Why was I chosen? Why was I so lucky? How did I get gifted a being so precious, so beautiful and so perfect? Today was one of the happiest days of my life, a memory that will be imprinted in my mind forever.

I am so grateful I was able to see you reach this milestone, a moment that at one point I was not guaranteed to have with you. To me that is the beauty in everything you do. Your life was not promised, so we embrace it. Each smile was not guaranteed, so we cherish them. Each day is a miracle, so we count them. Every moment of your fragile life is yet another moment of God proving miracles and you proving your strength. So to you Corbin, Happy 115th day of showing the world who you are. I love you!
Most children with Trisomy 18 are screened in the womb and not born, and if they are born, they are often denied medical treatment under an ideology that defines them as “incompatible with life” and victimized by abortion

Source: LifeSite News

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