A recent article in a local Daily Herald, reported that a new study on the Gardasil vaccine, given to women and young girls to protect against cervical cancer, does not cause young girls to become promiscuous. Hmmmm.
The article went on to explain, "Researchers examined up to three years of records on whether girls had sought birth control advice; tests for sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy; or had become pregnant. The results showed that, few of the girls who got the shots at age 11 or 12 had done any of those things over the next three years, or even by the time they were 14." The study is using these results to counter parental concerns that, the shots "are a license to have sex." Dr. Alderman, an adolescent medicine specialist at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore in New York City, stated: "The study bolsters evidence against that concern."
OK - While this may be good news that giving Gardasil to young girls does not promote promiscuity - at the same time - it begs the question - why then are we administering a very dangerous prophylaxis to young girls, for behavior, which is now proven they are not even engaging in?
To date, Gardasil, which was developed to protect against the sexually transmitted Human Papilloma Virus or HPV, (which can lead to cervical cancer) and which has already been given to millions of women and young girls around the world, has had a total of 9,749 'reported' adverse reactions and 21 'reported' deaths from the controversial vaccine. How many others have not been reported - since most people don't even know where to go to report Adverse Vaccination Reactions. You're doctor doesn't do the reporting.
The unknown dangers of a life-threatening adverse reaction to
the Gardasil vaccine, far outweigh the known risks of contracting HPV itself. In fact, a medical study conducted by the University of British Columbia's Neural Dynamics Research Group, confirms the alarming side-effects of the vaccine that was fast-tracked (meaning it was not tested before it was released to the public) and then pushed by government at every level.
That study listed the following side effects of Gardasil: "Death, convulsions, paraesthesia, paralysis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, facial palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, anaphylaxis, autoimmune disorders, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms and cervical cancers."
The same study also pointed out, "In the Western World, cervical cancer is a rare disease with mortality rates several times lower than the rate of reported serious adverse reactions (including deaths) from the HPV vaccine. In fact, the overwhelming majority (88%) of cervical cancer deaths occur in Third World countries."
Now comes another report from the British Medical Journal, that Gardasil has the possibility of causing "ovarian failure" in some cases. Their report came on the heels of a specific case from Australia, where a 16 yr. old girl suffered "premature ovarian failure" after receiving the vaccine.
Australian physician Dr. Deirdre Little, who treated the girl, has published a complete account in the British Medical Journal. Dr. Little's report explains, the girl's menstrual cycle, which had been regular up until receiving the Gardasil vaccination in the Fall of 2008, suddenly became irregular by January 2009. Over the next two years, the girl's menses continued to become more and more scant and irregular, until by 2011, she had ceased menstruating altogether.
Early menopause is highly unusual, and particularly in the case of this 16 yr. old girl - who had been in excellent health with no prior personal or family medical history that could explain the premature menopause.
In my humble opinion, regarding the local Daily Herald article on the study proving HPV shots don't make young girl's promiscuous - this only lends further credence to the arguments against administering an extremely dangerous prophylaxis to adolescent girls for behavior they are not even engaging in! If a study proves adolescent girl's are not sexually active - why are we risking their health and lives, with an untested, virulent vaccine?
Be further advised - the threat looms that this dangerous vaccine will soon be government mandated - especially if ObamaCare is implemented. Among states that have already enacted Gardasil-related measures are: California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Virginia, Main and Utah. In all 50 states, tax dollars already help pay for the costly shots ($360) because the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) makes them available through the federal Vaccines for Children program.
Gardasil is an insidiously virulent vaccine, that has been untested and government pushed - soon to be government mandated - which endangers the lives and health of young girls and women. Now, this same toxic prophylaxis is being pushed for adolescent boys as well. Why? Why use any kind of prophylaxis (much less an insidiously dangerous one) for behavior that is not even being engaged in? This makes no sense. What is the agenda here?
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