Tuesday, July 19, 2011

RU 486 RU crazy

FDA Report:  Abortion Drug Kills and Injures Women

On April 30, The Food and Drug Administration quietly released a new report about deaths and injuries from the abortion drug RU 486.  The Obama administration has done nothing to make the information available to women.

RU 486 (mifepristone) was approved during the Clinton administration.  The FDA released a previous report in 2006 showing that more than 1100 women had experienced adverse effects.  The FDA’s new report comes in the wake of evidence of deaths and injuries worldwide.

The new report reveals that 14 women in the United States have died from RU 486 and 2,207 have been injured.  Over 600 women required hospitalization, 339 hemorrhaged enough to require a transfusion, 256 experienced infections, and 48 contracted serious infections likely to be life threatening.  Women developed endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and pelvic infections with sepsis (a serious systemic infection that has spread beyond the reproductive organs).

RU 486 has been marketed as simple and painless, but this is dangerously misleading.  The drug suppresses a woman’s immune system.  Further, this drug was prescribed to at least 58 women with ectopic pregnancies.  Taking RU 486 with an ectopic pregnancy can cause death.

A recent Australian Health Department audit found RU 486 to be less safe than surgery, with 1 in 18 women using it needing to be hospitalized.  The audit also found that one-third of women using RU 486 in the second trimester required surgery.

Lake County Right to Life believes that abortion drugs like RU 486 are not about improving women’s health but about advancing a pro-abortion political agenda

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