Just when you thought you heard and read it all - you find out that what was once beyond comprehension is now a reality. What am I talking about? Here goes.
This could be the making of a science fiction movie or Robin Cook book. In case you don't remember who Robin Cook is; he's a physician who writes on the cutting edge of medical ethics, and wrote the book "Coma", later made into a movie, long before organ donation became a household word.
A group of Belgian doctors are harvesting "high quality" organs from patients who have been euthanized. And it is no secret. A little past history - euthanasia is legal in Belgium. But, just as a rose is a rose by any other name, I don't think euthanasia and organ donation can be called by the same name.
This revelation was published in a transplant medical journal, where the doctors admitted harvesting organs, after the euthanasia of a disabled woman.
At a medical conference, organized by the Belgian Royal Medical Academy, a power pointe presentation was made by several doctors from the University Hospitals of Antwerp, Leuven And Liege. This presentation revealed, that about 20% of the 705 people who were officially euthanized in 2008, were suffering from neuromuscular disorders. Hmmmm. Usually neuromuscular disorders in patients result in neurological problems, but their organs are healthy, and ready for harvest - how fortuitous.
These doctors have created a useful pool of organs which can help the organ shortage present in Belgium. (There's an organ shortage in every country in the world)
Wow! Horrible! Can you imagine convincing people with disabilities, that their death has greater value than their life? All because someone else needs a kidney - utilitarianism at it's pinnacle.
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