Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Even Time magazine knows China has some problems. A one child policy in China has resulted in the abortion of millions of babies over the years.
The magazine notes that China has totalitarian social policies, and those policies have unanticipated consequences. For instance; a fertility rate below replacement, a gender imbalance and a plethora of  men without females to balance the population.
Let's take these issues separately. A fertility rate below replacement means that there will not be enough people in the work force to sustain the economic level China now enjoys. If indeed everyone enjoys the same economic level. I think they have a distribution problem. But, that aside, let's go to the next issue. A gender imbalance; because males are valued over females in China's culture, there obviously has been a growth spurt in males. What does an overbalance of males in a society mean? It becomes more militaristic. There are fewer children born because traditional families do not exist. A rise in homosexuality occurs, criminal gangs leading to trafficking in women. All are social plagues.
Last, but not least, a country that promotes a one-child policy, has little regard for human life, whether you're male or female. The old will not be taken care of in a society that does not value human life. This is a culture shift for China. Not only will abortion be tolerated, but euthanasia will rise.
Estimates show, that by 2050 one third of the Chinese will be elderly, and there will be no one to there to carry the load.  

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