Friday, February 12, 2010

Planned Parenthood & Your Child

Planned Parenthood should be named Planned Barrenhood. If they can't accomplish that through offering abortions, they're certainly trying to do it through a new program called "Stand and Deliver", Sex, Health & Young People in the 21st Century.   If this program doesn't increase STD's, nothing will. As everyone knows, STD's can cause sterility, or an increase in ectopic pregnancies, or miscarriage. The appalling rate of STD's shows that comprehensive sex education programs are not doing the job. Young people still believe in absolutes. Black and white is still the color preference of the young. There are no gray areas in sexuality. You either do or you don't. Planned Parenthood, of course, would encourage you to 'do'. Abstinence Only programs seem to be the only one that is working.
Here's a highpoint of a landmark scientific study, showing how abstinence education works. 1. Subjects were Afro-American students. 2. The controls and results were so accurate, that even the Obama Administration admitted, the evidence may open the door for abstinence only grants. 3. The results are stark; 33% of abstinence educated students had sex within 2 yrs., vs. 52% of students who were only taught about 'safe sex'.
Sex education classes, that promote abstinence only, reduced teen pregnancy and STD's. A recent poll showed, that Black American parents were much more likely than white, to support abstinence only education. Eighty percent of those polled, said it was the parent's responsibility to teach their children about sex.
The Obama Administration has virtually eliminated funding for abstinence only classes. What will Barrack do now?  The evidence is overwhelming. Everyone knows it. But, Planned Parenthood has just put out a new Sex-Ed program called; "Stand and Deliver". The subtitle of the program, From Choice, a World of Possibilities. You bet, possibilities!  Increased sexually transmitted diseases, sterility, increase in abortion, the disintegration of our society and the demoralizing of our young. 
Remember, condoms don't protect the heart. Neither do they protect from STD's. They only protect funding from an administration that is dedicated to promoting the values Planned of Parenthood.   

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