Thursday, September 12, 2013

Abortion - Waiting Periods and Tattoo


24-hour waiting periods: ok for tattoos but not for women contemplating an abortion?

By Luis Zaffirini
waitingtimeLocal lawmakers in the District of Columbia are considering a mandatory 24-hour waiting period before a customer can obtain a tattoos or piercings. News about this move is pretty widespread. Friends of mine from Texas and Colorado have mentioned it on Facebook, and they are pretty outraged.

But as a pro-lifer living in the District of Columbia, I am feeling a different kind of outrage.
Understand that this proposed regulation is meant to keep people from impulsively procuring body art that they will later regret. Now consider the vast difference between the regret one might feel after hastily marking or piercing their bodies and the type of regret one would feel after destroying the body of their unborn child.

Yet we have the current situation in the District of Columbia where abortion is now legal at any point up to the moment of birth, for any reason. That is outrageous.
To make matters worse, D.C. city government has been adamantly opposed to regulating abortion. In April of 2011, Washington, D.C., mayor Vincent Gray and several members of the Council of the District of Columbia were arrested while demonstrating to ensure that poor women in the District could abort their unborn children using taxpayer money.

Furthermore, D.C.’s nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives opposed a bill that would have protected D.C.’s unborn children who are capable of feeling pain from being killed by painful abortion procedures.

This is the same city that regulates wildlife control service providers to keep them from harming raccoons and skunks the very way unborn humans are tortured and killed by painful late abortions. This is also the same city with a staggeringly high abortion rate.
Sadly, abortion proponents are unmoved by this. And the type of regret parents of an aborted child feel is the type of regret they seem unwilling to admit even exists.

Source: NRLC News

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