In a letter sent by the Religious Coaltion for Reproductive Choice (RCRC), and several RCRC members, Jewish and main line Protestant bodies, including the United Methodist General Board of Church & Society, calls for Obama to support the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which would remove all restrictions on abortions passed by state legislatures. Catholics for Free Choice, another RCRC member also signed on.
RCRC has long lobbied for unrestricted abortion on demand.
Many on the Evangelical and Catholic left promoted Obama's candidacy promising his administration would work to reduce the number of abortions in America. Do you think such advocates should now work to counteract RCRC's campaign?
Please note, President Elect Obama has been asked to quickly enact a series of pro-abortio laws, including federal funding of abortion by RCRC. Do you think tax payers should pay for abortions?
Sunset over the St. Croix
I took this photo on February 1st, 2014. 11 years ago. God be praised for
how He paints a sunset! Gloryous!
4 minutes ago