Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Life Villians


Obama, PPFA, and “Kermit Gosnell’s Pro-Choice Enablers”

By Dave Andrusko
Melinda Henneberger
Melinda Henneberger

Today is working out to be the time I hand out kudos. Over at “Debunking the Myth that Gosnell was an ‘outlier,’” I heap praise on two great columns written by Kristen Powers for USA Today. They were terrific in every respect.
In this post I offer a tip of the cap to Melinda Henneberger who writes for “She the People” for the Washington Post. Back in 2011, then writing for Politics Daily, Henneberger penned a devastating column which we have frequently referenced: “Kermit Gosnell’s Pro-Choice Enablers (Is This What an Industry That Self-Regulates Looks Like?).”
This month Henneberger has educated her readers with “Why Kermit Gosnell hasn’t been on Page One,” and (in a column dated April 28) “Are there more abortion doctors like Kermit Gosnell? And do we want to know?”

Henneberger, no doubt to be “balanced,” offers examples of what she considers pro-life extremism. But this column is about the Abortion Industry, the reluctance of the national media to touch the abortion issue unless it is to lament a ‘threat to abortion rights,’ what a representative of Planned Parenthood said to a Florida House of Representatives subcommittee, and President Obama (that’s the man who threw kisses to Planned Parenthood last Friday in a speech delivered to its national convention).

We’ve already talked about the National Abortion Federation finding Gosnell’s abortion clinic “beyond redemption” but choosing not to share that with authorities. And who could forget what Henneberger calls the “jaw-dropping testimony” of Planned Parenthood’s Alisa LaPolt Snow.
“When asked by a Florida lawmaker what kind of medical care the organization thinks a child who somehow survives a late-term abortion should get, Snow suggested that even then, the child’s fate is a woman’s right to choose.”

But through all of the horror of the Gosnell trial, who besides pro-lifers insisted on the truth of which Henneberger wrote in her next sentence:
“That’s how our president voted as an Illinois state senator, too, even after his stated concerns about the ‘born alive’ bill were addressed. “

That would be practically no one.
Henneberger began her column by discussing the undercover videotape Live Action made of a counselor at a Bronx abortion clinic. The Live Action representative was 23 weeks pregnant.
“’What if the baby were born alive at home once the process was set in motion? ‘If it comes out, then it comes out; flush it,’’ a counselor at the Dr. Emily Women’s Health Center answered the undercover activist on the tape. She’d been working at the clinic for nearly 11 years, she said — since she was only 16.”

Near the end of her column Henneberger lifts the veil most media personnel insist on maintaining over the Obama presidency in general, the abortion issue in particular:
“While in campaign mode, Obama purported to respect diverse views on the abortion issue. But I detected no such sensitivity in his Friday remarks at Planned Parenthood, where he spoke of ‘those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century. And they’ve been involved in an orchestrated and historic effort to roll back basic rights when it comes to women’s health.’
“Abortion, he means, though that word wasn’t in his talk.”

It is no accident that when Obama started his speech to PPFA someone shouted, “I love you,” to which he responded, “I love you back.”
They—Obama and Planned Parenthood—are soul mates. Some might say they deserve each other. We would say unborn babies deserve better.

Source: NRLC News

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