Friday, May 17, 2013

Life is Beautiful

Three-Year-Old Toddler Thrives Because Mom Ignored Abortion Advice

by Steven Ertelt 
With the shocking and gut-wrenching news in recent weeks about abortion practitioners Kermit Gosnell and Douglas Karpen, it’s nice to have an uplifting story about a courageous pro-life decision.
From Ireland comes the story of one woman who could have joined others who to travel to England for an abortion, but she rejected the advice of a physician to have an abortion.

From the Irish Independent:
She was told her foetus had a life-threatening congenital heart defect and a rare brain disorder – and would have little chance of surviving outside the womb.

But little Louise Kehoe, now three years old, defied the odds.
Today, adoring mum Jennifer tells of how she and her husband felt “judged” for not choosing abortion – and how happy they are that they didn’t.
Jennifer and John Kehoe were told that their baby had little chance of survival outside the womb.

If she survived, her quality of life would be diminished.
But Jennifer said that, if they had gone ahead with the termination, they would never have experienced how their “delightful little girl” would “blow us away with love”.

The Kehoes’ daughter was diagnosed in the womb with a life-threatening congenital brain malformation called Dandy-Walker Syndrome and a heart defect.

As soon as the abnormality was identified, the couple said their obstetrician immediately offered to write them a letter to ‘go to England’ and have a termination.
Jennifer and John, a GP, say that they were “advised to have an abortion by an Irish obstetrician on the grounds of foetal anomaly”, but are eternally thankful that they decided against.

Source: LifeSite News

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