Friday, July 12, 2013

More in Texas


Bro-Choice: Guys need abortion because dude, “your sex life is at stake”!

Texas has pro-aborts panicking because, dear God no, women might not be able to have abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy anymore. And even worse, they might be forced to do it in clean, safe doctors’ offices. The horrors! Pro-aborts are spouting idiotic excuses for fighting this bill, such as claiming it will KILL WOMEN! by requiring that clinics be held to stricter regulations and not letting women have an abortion after 20 weeks. It’s, like, totally the worst thing ever.
man and woman pregnantAbortion will still be legal in Texas, mind you, but it won’t be 100% legal, at any time during pregnancy, on demand, with clinics being held to absolutely no safety standards or regulations whatsoever – so of course, abortion advocates hate it.
But forget all the women-killing that could happen (you know, from the safer abortion clinics) if this bill in Texas passes. What’s the real issue here – the one that should make all men stand up in outrage? Hello: this could ruin your prospects of screwing a chick and never talking to her again!
You want to decide when and if to have kids. This bill will force thousands of Texas men into unplanned fatherhood by making it impossible for women to access an abortion in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. Even if you want to have kids, you probably don’t want an accident to make you a father before you’re psychologically ready and able to care for a child. If you don’t want kids, you don’t want the narrow, personal views of politicians in the state government to force you to have them.
Your sex life is at stake. Can you think of anything that kills the vibe faster than a woman fearing a back-alley abortion? Making abortion essentially inaccessible in Texas will add an anxiety to sex that will drastically undercut its joys. And don’t be surprised if casual sex outside of relationships becomes far more difficult to come by.
If that doesn’t send shivers up your spine and make you go digging through your closet to find some orange to wear in solidarity, well, then I just don’t know what will.
In all seriousness, that about sums up the entirety of this blog post. The blogger, Ben Sherman, mumbles a bit about how this will KILL WOMEN!, but mostly he just whines about how there could be actual consequences for his actions now. No more casual sex for men? No more using women and then dropping them off at a butcher shop to avoid dealing with any inconveniences that may suddenly pop up? Well, that would just be terrible, wouldn’t it?
Poor Ben Sherman might have to actually, you know, be a man and take some responsibility for a child whom he knowingly helped create (that is, if he actually does much potential-child-creating, which I highly doubt). In a follow-up post, he whines about people rightfully mocking him for what he wrote, and then calls this a “war on sex.”

It’s not exactly a new revelation that abortion benefits men, not women. It’s men who get to have sex with no consequences thanks to abortion. Even if a woman doesn’t want a baby, she is still the one who has to undergo an invasive medical procedure, and she is the one left to deal with the potential fallout afterwards. Men don’t have to deal with any of that. So guys like this Ben Sherman can pick up a girl at a bar, have some fun for one night, and then not have to deal with any repercussions, thanks to abortion. It’s all on the woman. But of course, Sherman and his ilk are the ones who care about women somehow, because baby, they’ll love you all night long and then drive you to the abortionist afterwards. Don’t you feel empowered and respected now? (Or are the better words used and abandoned?)

What Ben Sherman is anxiously trying to avoid is a society which frowned upon men who used and exploited women. Abortion encourages men to be irresponsible and avoid the consequences of their actions, while giving them the freedom to do whatever they want. And women end up the victims. This is the “bro-choice” lifestyle that Ben Sherman is advocating, because evidently, it’s too much to ask for men to either use a condom or not have sex if they aren’t ready to be fathers.
So I guess the question is, which lifestyle are you going to fight for? The bro-choice lifestyle that allows men to use and exploit women, or the one that keeps women and their children safe?

Source: LiveAtion News

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