Saturday, July 20, 2013

Let's Read What Women Really Say


The claims of pro-abortionists and actual abortion experience are miles apart

By Kathy Ostrowski, Legislative Director, Kansans for Life
CNNiReportabortionrePerhaps you had a chance to watch some of the screaming mayhem of pro-abortion activists in Texas this past month as they worked desperately to permanently derail HB 2 in Texas. They, of course, were loudest when they insisted they “spoke” for women.

One way to judge that claim might be to see what women who’ve undergone an abortion have to say. Just this past week, there has been a rich treasure trove of information on that very question.
My 23-year-old daughter told me how moved she was when reading hundreds of such testimonies posted in an “ireport”  from the CNN website. The site is dedicated to gathering input on a topic too large for one news story.

She was impressed that a “mainstream” news source had showcased what overwhelmingly were “abortion-regret” stories. These unedited narratives unquestionably strengthened the case against abortion.

I haven’t read all of the testimonies yet, but you can’t miss that these post-aborted women do not hurl f-bombs and crude vulgarities to show how “fierce” women are, as did the pro-abortion activists in Texas.

Rather, the tone of the great majority of the volunteered commentaries on the CNN site expresses the reality of the human condition. The stories show rebellion, vulnerability, judgment errors, woundedness, and sheer agony. But they also proclaim hope and gratitude for those who gently led them to healing.
The same abortion activists who insist they speak for women disdainfully dismiss post-abortion trauma, insisting it is over reported and/or emanating from un-liberated and overly-scrupulous religious women.

And while the Texas showdown, orchestrated by pro-abortionists, was probably not an ideal location for them to go read these testimonies, I wish they would, at least now, take an honest look at what post-aborted women were saying.

How will they reconcile the pathos of young woman setting up a website to connect with (and mutually grieve with) others who, like her, have learned of aborted siblings. Her journey began when her mom revealed that she had aborted a younger sibling.


“we’d been raised knowing[abortion] took a life, etc. Hearing her say that she had in fact had one, was incredibly shocking. But we could all see how sad she was, so went up and hugged her assuring her we loved her no less. …I spent the next 6 years doing my best to avoid thinking about him, how he died, etc. Easier said than done. While in one sense I wanted to forget him, I was very upset that he wasn’t being constantly acknowledged.

Pro-abortion activist wrongly believe that abortion frees women from abusers. Would that they read how coerced abortion is a weapon of further abuse by partners and rapists.

The deeply malevolent message that Texas’ pro-life bill, HB2 had to be opposed in the name of women’s best interests are belied by these stories. I suggest we all read them, and pray for all the victims, and strengthen our resolve that abortion kills children and wounds our nation.

Source: NRLC News

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