Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Euthanasia in the Netherlands

Dutch MDs Only Care About Reporting Infanticide

By Wesley J. Smith
stopinfanticidetshirtI reported the other day that the Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) now justifies the infanticide of seriously ill and dying babies as a means of ending the parents’ suffering. Now, we see that the purpose of the new guideline was to induce doctors to report their baby killing to the authorities. From the British Medical Journal report:

“The Royal Dutch Medical Association has published professional standards to try to clarify the line between palliative care of terminally ill newborn babies and deliberately killing them. Driving the move is the apparent failure of doctors to report cases of mercy killing of newborn babies to the government’s expert review committee of physicians, lawyers, and ethicists, to which all such cases are meant to be reported. As with the Dutch policy on euthanasia, doctors who report and adhere to guidelines will not be prosecuted. However, since its launch in 2006 the Central Experts Committee has received only one case involving a newborn baby. Originally up to 20 reports a year were expected.”

You see, when it comes to doctor-administered death in the Netherlands, what matters is doing the killing visibly, not the fact that babies are being killed.

The report also celebrates how ultra sound has successfully allowed doctors to target babies with spina bifida for eugenic abortion, apparently making infanticide less necessary. This is blatant bigotry against the disabled. Yet, Netherlanders perceive themselves as oh, so compassionate!

Source: NRLC News

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