Monday, May 4, 2015



Pro-choice author says one motivation for legal abortion was to “curb births among women in the ‘underclass’”

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Editor’s note. This appeared at
abortionfreedomandnecessityPro-choice author Janet Hadley says the following about the activists that originally campaigned to make abortion legal [1]:

[S]ome of the original campaigners for legalizing abortion advocated it as a potential tool for maintaining the social order.
To put it bluntly, they urged society to adopt such measures not for the sake of the women themselves, but, crudely, to curb births among women in the “underclass”… Not surprisingly, there are times when doctors or social workers, in the belief that they know what’s best, push such women towards abortion.
[1] Janet Hadley “Abortion: between Freedom and Necessity” (Virago Press, 1996) 88

Source: NRLC News

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