Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Abortion and Religious

On the day before the anniversary of passage of the Hyde Amendment, a “religious” call for its elimination

By Dave Andrusko
The Rev. Harry Knox
The Rev. Harry Knox

I promise to try extra-hard to critique, not ridicule, “Reverends like us should never oppose access to abortion or sex ed,” by Harry Knox and Alethea Smith-Withers which appeared today in the Washington Post. That being said, the column runs under the heading PostEverything. A better heading would be PostAnything.
This is such a silly column, we’ll devote only a few paragraphs (and none to sex education which is not our issue).

Of course there is no “monolithic” view on abortion; there is no monolithic view on almost anything. Even if there was, Reverends like Knox (who is the President of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice) and Smith-Withers (chair of the board) would still pad their op-ed with the usual pro-abortion talking points.

By the way abortionist Willie Parker is on the RCAR board. We have profiled Parker, a typical RCRC type, who flies into Mississippi twice a month and performs as many as 45 abortions a day.
We’re told “And clergy do not always use Bible verses as political weapons — a misrepresentation too often promoted in the media.” Perhaps they don’t use Bible verses at all because they don’t have any they can twist to serve their life-denying purposes. We’re also told

“People of faith, as well as those with no religious affiliation, have widely varying opinions about moral questions. That’s okay. Freedom for differing views and beliefs is a core American value. The problem is when one particular religious viewpoint gets written into law, in direct violation of our national commitment to religious liberty.”
This is so silly, indeed so sophomoric, it almost is a waste of time to respond. When abortions are funded by law; when the law is changed to allow everyone but plumbers to abort children; when the law is changed from protecting unborn children to declaring open season on them—is that not an example of “one particular religious viewpoint get[ting] written into law”?
The Rev. Alethea Smith-Withers
The Rev. Alethea Smith-Withers

And of course Knox and Smith-Withers take dead aim, so to speak, at the Hyde Amendment. Any law that does not facilitate the deaths of the unborn children of poor women means that hundreds of thousands, even millions of babies are saved. That is what the Hyde Amendment has done and why pro-abortion apologists are dead-set on getting this amendment to the annual appropriations bill of the Department of Health and Human Services removed.
I wasn’t sure why this piece appeared in the Post until just now when I realized tomorrow is the 38th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment’s passage.
These people are relentless—and pitiless—but also blind to the real implications of the language they so glibly employ.

We read
“As clergy we are called by our faith to promote compassion, respect, and justice for all — in other words, to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”
Just for all.. and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Last time I looked, tearing an unborn baby limb from qualified under neither category.

Source: NRLC News

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