Tuesday, August 6, 2013



At home with friendly media types, Wendy Davis talks about abortion and “sacred ground”

By Dave Andrusko
Texas Pro-abortion state Senator Wendy Davis at the National Press Club
Texas Pro-abortion state Senator Wendy Davis at the National Press Club

Pro-abortion Texas state Senator Wendy Davis is habitually referred to as a “liberal icon” for her thirteen hourish filibuster that temporary waylaid HB 2. The bill passed in a second special session and signed into law by pro-life Gov. Rick Perry. Among other important provisions, the bill bans abortion after 20 weeks, a point by which the child can feel pain.

Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. today Davis sort of promised that the only state-wide office she would seek—if she does not seek re-election to the state Senate—is governor. Texas Gov. Perry has announced he is not seeking re-election.

In her maiden test-the-waters voyage in front of the Media Establishment, Davis “touted her bipartisan instincts–an important asset for a Democrat looking to make a statewide run in deep-red Texas,” POLITICO reported. Davis said, “I got in the habit of working on issues that aren’t considered naturals for Democrats.”

The Dallas Morning News, in its account of the luncheon, went into further detail, quoting Davis, “I will seek common ground, because we all must.”
But there is taking a stand on common ground and what Davis referred to as “tak[ing] a stand on sacred ground. Literally, the freedom to choose what your future will hold.” And there was no mistaking that this was a reference to HB 2 and abortion.

One non-common ground issue that IS a natural for Democrats like Davis is wide open support for abortion. Indeed, in what could not have been an accident, Davis recycled House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s painfully awkward (not to mention creepy) “sacred ground” comment. (See “Pelosi’s bizarre defense of late abortion”)


If you remember, Pelosi had made an absurd statement at a press conference in mid-June completely distorting what the congressional “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act “(H.R. 1797) would do. Having mucked that up, she transitioned into a stream-of-consciousness comment about convicted murderer abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

But Pelosi wasn’t through. She’d been pressed by a reporter from the Weekly Standard about what was the moral difference between an 26 weeks elective abortion “and the killing of that same infant born alive [by Gosnell]?” Responding to a follow-up question that you can’t make out on CSPAN, Pelosi shot back

“I’ve responded to you to the extent that I’m going to respond to you. Because I want to tell you something. As the mother of five children, my oldest child was 6 years old the day I brought my 5th child home from the hospital, as a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me when we talk about this. I don’t think it should have anything to do with politics. And that’s where you’re taking it and I’m not going there.”

It is not an original observation to note that the likes of Davis and Pelosi treat abortion is a kind of secular sacrament. But that sort of over-the-top rhetoric used to be saved for insiders.
What does it say that the latest pro-abortion media starlet feels safe enough to repeat that moral inanity at the National Press Club?

Source: NRLC News

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